Mass & Confession times in the Friary

Now that we are re-opened following the Covid 19 shutdown, our Mass and Confession times return to normal. They are listed below.
**Please note: We are maintaining the guidelines on social distancing within the friary church as set out by the HSE. This means that seating is now very limited. When the socially distanced seating is full we are not permitted to allow more people into the church. There are guidelines on maintaining social distancing on the way to receive Holy Communion such as single file and keeping two metres between each person in the queue. Holy Communion can only be received in the hand. This is to continue to keep everyone safe until we have emerged from this pandemic. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Mass and Confession Times
Monday – 10.00am & 6.15pm
Tuesday – 10.00am & 6.15pm
Wednesday – 10.00am & 6.15pm
Thursday – 10.00am & 6.15pm
Friday – 10.00am & 6.15pm
Saturday – 10.00am & 6.15pm (vigil)
Sunday – 8.00am, 10.30am & 12.00pm
Bank Holidays – 10.00am
Other: 10.00am (1st Saturday of every month – Mass & Devotions in honour of the Immaculate Heart of Mary)
1st Friday 6.15pm Mass in Honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with prayers and devotions
Confession Times
Saturdays 12.00pm-1.00pm & 5.00pm-6.00pm
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